Fery Lusiana: managing organizations for vice chairman and the head while being a learner in campus

 Fery Lusiana is now in her 7th semesters attending Universitas Sebelas Maret’s English Department and taking American Studies mainstream.  She doesn’t stop herself at just being a student but carrying big positions as the Vice Chairman of Semarak Inspirasi and head of Woman Development in SKI (Syiar Kegiatan Islam).

Early life 

Lusi, that’s how people call her. Born in Klaten, her father was a soldier and her mother is a teacher in elementary school. She mostly spent her childhood with her relatives since her parents were working and couldn’t stay at home during the day. Being the youngest of 4 siblings, she used to be pampered. After her father passed away she trained herself to be independent, doing everything she can with her own self up until now.

Early education

She completed her high school years in SMAN 1 Karanganom, Klaten. Having interest in language and cultures, she took language program at the school and chose German language as the elective subject. When she was in high school she won 2nd place for POPDA Pencak Silat Competition.

The biggest turning point

It all started when she entered college and joined campus’s organizations. In 2018-2019 she was a member of Women Development in JN UKMI UNS, Treasury in SKI FIB UNS, Research and Development in EDCOM UNS and Human Resources Development in Semarak Inspirasi UNS. The reasons why she started her college life with joining such number of organizations are because she wanted to learn new things, meeting new people, making relations. Thus with the many responsibilities she carried, she made mistake, she had up and downs yet that what made her to be trusted because she didn’t afraid to learn from it, she let people to taught her to be better so that she could look back to not repeat it. Finally it led her to have the positions as right now, from staff to vice chairman and the head in two different fields.

Serve the community and be a person of value

“Serving the community is magical,” she said. The journey of it softens her heart because she realizes how weak, fragile human is. It opens her eyes that there are many people who are not as fortunate as her. Always be grateful and totality everywhere. SI or Semarak Inspirasi is the place where it accommodates her journey through the diverse community. “When you serve the community, it is also about facing the life itself. You learn the deep-rooted culture of them and it is not just about it. It is a process to become more mature. So priceless,” said Lusi.



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