Finds happiness with Alfania Ellian Diva

Alfania Ellian Diva, a twenty years old girl, born on the 2nd of May -- the day when we celebrate it as National Education Day, is an ordinary college student with all her struggles, weaknesses, and strengths. 

Born and raised in Semarang, Diva lived as a cheerful child. Her childhood was filled with happiness and joyful things. Diva spent 12 years of her school life in an area of schools in Ungaran, Semarang. Her kindergarten (RA Islam Istiqomah), elementary school (SD Islam Istiqomah), and junior high school (SMP Negeri 1 Ungaran) are located in the same area. That's why she chose to attend SMA Negeri 1 Salatiga, which is located outside Ungaran. "I wanted to meet new people," Diva said.

In senior high school, she took an acceleration program. It was a good time. She had a lot of friends. Although the program demanded her to learn faster than regular students, she did a good job. Her hard works led her to one of the best universities in Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology. And that's how things changed.

Her college life was not as pleasant as she thought.  She was struggling in the first year because the place is new for her. The pressure and stuff overwhelmed her. "Now, that I think about it. It was not only because of academic issues. My insecurity was eating me out. I felt that I wasn't accepted in the environment, that I was different. I felt lonely." Diva explained that that phase had ever made her think about quitting, dropping out of the university. "But I survived. I stay. If you ask me the reason, I will answer that I am not a person who gives up so quickly. I cannot quit from a system instantly. I choose this way, so I have to bear the consequences. Besides, both ways are just the same. The clueless future if I stay is just as vague as if I quit." 

Things were much more acceptable and bearable after she joined a Javanese Culture Community named PTSK (Perkumpulan Seni Tari dan Karawitan Jawa). She felt like meeting a family that has the same identity as her. Although everything was still difficult, friends made her happier.

The turning point was when she joined The Student Study Service (Kuliah Kerja Nyata or KKN). Diva said that before the KKN, she was apathetic, she did not like to be surrounded by many people, but now it changes.

The KKN was placed in Ciamis, West Java. Once, Diva went to one of the local's houses, and the local invited her to a farm. They talked. The local told her about her family conditions, the fact that she had to be grateful to be able to enter university. The local also said that she was rooting on her. "And, I don't know, suddenly I felt, accepted, acknowledged. That moment's fulfilling me."

Another event that changed her was when she went to a festival for Ied al-Adha. Diva said that there was a woman who suddenly embraced her shoulder. Then, they were shouting the takbir together. "It was strange. I did not know the woman, and she did not know me. But that night, I felt happy," repeating her words, the moment's fulfilling her. 

After those two moments, and many other simple things, Diva realized that happiness is so close, so simple. To reach this conclusion, Diva said that Uus, a stand-up comedian, inspired her. Diva stated that Uus helped her to define her happiness. She added that she knows how Uus has a negative image in this country, but she likes how he shows his true color. She thinks that Uus being himself without sugarcoating everything about himself is awesome. "In one of his videos, he said something like, we do not need to put a high standard for happiness. Put it as low as possible. It will make us feel happy over something so little, so simple."

Diva explained that now, as simple as laughing off with her friends, helping other people, make her happy. Even if she had problems and stuff, she could feel happy because the simple things made her accept her problems. She believes that those problems are no bigger than her. 

In her last year of study, she finally defines her own happiness.

"Happiness is not an achievement. It is a way of life. If I am able to accept the bad and goods in my life, I will feel happy. Happiness is not an achievement, because we can reach it right away."

Tiaranisa Rahma Dewi - B0318047


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